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40 Best Seashell Artists on Etsy [Winter 2022]

Finding pretty seashells on a beach feels simply amazing. Even more amazing? Using those shells as the basis for great seashell art! That's what the best seashell artists do.

The reason my site is called Seashell Madness is that I'm kind of obsessed with sesashell art. So, each year I bring you who I feel are the absolute best seashell artists (and I show you some of their sea shell art!)

So read on for my 2022 suggestions of the 40 Beach Seashell Artists on Etsy!


Brenda Casaravilla

Owls and fish Magnets by Brenda Casaravilla

Owls and fish Magnets by Brenda Casaravilla

Seashell Pelican by Brenda Casaravilla

Seashell Pelican by Brenda Casaravilla

Seashell Dog by Brenda Casaravilla

Seashell Dog by Brenda Casaravilla

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Seashell artist Brenda Casravilla specializes in using shells gathered on Sanibel Island in Florida to create the cutest little animals! I just love all of the little details there. Lots of things to take in! Wonderful! And she also makes cute little dogs and cute little owls and cute little…

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Heart-shaped Ocean Wave with Shells by Liliya

Heart-shaped Ocean Wave with Shells by Liliya

Seashell and Acrylic Collage by Liliya

Seashell and Acrylic Collage by Liliya

Seashell Sea Turtle by Liliya

Seashell Sea Turtle by Liliya

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Artist Liliya not only works with seashells, she also creates some fabulous paintings. To be honest I was torn as to whether I should feature her here on the seashell artists’ page or if I should feature her on my beach painters page. This page won out, mainly because of this Ocean Heart. Not only is the heart beautifully created with just the perfect shells, I love how it sits atop an abstract ocean painting.



Beach Gnome in an Adirondack Chair by Cheryl

Beach Gnome in an Adirondack Chair by Cheryl

Seashell Seahorse by Cheryl

Seashell Seahorse by Cheryl

Seashell Beach Gnome and Sea Turtle by Cheryl

Seashell Beach Gnome and Sea Turtle by Cheryl

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I would never have thought of making gnomes out of seashells. But Cheryl has! And she’s created a whole series of these little guys, each with a unique story to tell. Take, for instance, this Seashell Beach Gnome in an Adirondack Chair! Who woul've thought of that? It's really neat.

She makes lots of other cool things with shells — I featured a really neat seahorse of hers on another page of this site — but I am consistently drawn to the little gnomes.


Linsay Schauwecker

Pink Rose Cup Seashell Flower Shadow Box by Linsay Schauwecke

Pink Rose Cup Seashell Flower Shadow Box by Linsay Schauwecke

Jingle Seashell Flower Shadow Box by Linsay Schauwecke

Jingle Seashell Flower Shadow Box by Linsay Schauwecke

Seashell Flower Shadow Box (Purple Cay Cay Shells)  by Linsay Schauwecke

Seashell Flower Shadow Box (Purple Cay Cay Shells) by Linsay Schauwecke

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I’m a big fan of flowers made from seashells. And Linsay's are just… Wow! I am mesmerized by Pink Rose Cup Flower by Linsay Schauwecker. Just mesmerized. There’s something almost hypnotic about it, isn’t there? First off, we don’t have shells of that color on our local beach, so that blows me a away. But the way that Linsay has put them together is just perfect. This is a wonderful piece of sea shell art, isn’t it?


Corey Carter

Seashell Women by Corey Carter

Seashell Women by Corey Carter

Seashell Blue Crab by Corey Carter

Seashell Blue Crab by Corey Carter

Golden Oyster Shell Flower by Corey Carter

Golden Oyster Shell Flower by Corey Carter

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Wow! Just look at that crab, will ya? I am amazed at just the sheer number of seashells that go into this Seashell Blue Crab by Corey Carter. A ton of them (collected by the artist and her young daughter on their beach-going excursions). Corey makes a lot of wonderful-looking shell art, from mermaids to Christmas trees, but she says that these Blue Crab pieces are her most popular. I believe it!



Seashell Tree of Life by Jag

Seashell Tree of Life by Jag

Peace! Shell Art by Jag

Peace! Shell Art by Jag

FAITH by Jag

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I’m simply in love with this Combination of Nature and Shells by seashell artist Jag. She has several works that build on the Tree of Life theme and I think they're all fantastic. I love how the shells sprout out from the green branches in all sorts of interesting ways. And I love the “mixed media” approach of tying all of those shells together and highlighting them with paints. Being fairly new to Etsy she doesn’t have a whole lot of sales yet, but trust me when I say that her whole line is fabulous!


Maria Byerley

Handmade Seashell Flowers by Maria Byerley

Handmade Seashell Flowers by Maria Byerley

Handmade Seashell Flowers by Maria Byerley

Handmade Seashell Flowers by Maria Byerley

Handmade Seashell Flowers by Maria Byerley

Handmade Seashell Flowers by Maria Byerley

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I love seashell flowers. I’ve seen a lot of seashell flower artwork. But when I saw the work of Maria Byerly I let out an excited “Oh my!” She has a whole series of these (many of which are set against abstract painted backgrounds or distressed upcycled wood pieces) and they are all really terrific. There are so many things that I love about works like Seashell Flowers. First off, it’s fascinating to me the way that she has used broken and distinctly shaped shells to create the petals and leaves. I also love how 3 dimensional these works are. It’s like those flowers are reaching out toward the sun. Absolutely beautiful!



Monkey in the Middle by Lizzie

Monkey in the Middle by Lizzie

Sweet Purple Turtle Family by Lizzie

Sweet Purple Turtle Family by Lizzie

Fun in the Sun by Lizzie

Fun in the Sun by Lizzie

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“I love shelling and beachcombing – so much so that I usually get a neck ache by the time I leave from looking down at the sand for hours at a time!” says artist Lizzie who combs the beaches of Long Island, NY. She then uses her finds to create some really great pieces of art, like "Monkey in the Middle" or "Sweet Purple Turtle Family," that tell great little stories.


Candy Galekovic

BEACH Shell Letters by Candy Galekovic

BEACH Shell Letters by Candy Galekovic

Embellished Green Banded Snail Shell with Swarovski Crystals by Candy Galekovic

Embellished Green Banded Snail Shell with Swarovski Crystals by Candy Galekovic

Seashell & Starfish Driftwood Wreath by Candy Galekovic

Seashell & Starfish Driftwood Wreath by Candy Galekovic

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I love to browse through little beach-themed boutique shops. I just love the way that they feature local artists and local shells. And of course I love beach-themed decor. Artist Candy Galekovic is the proprietor of one such boutique and it is full of fantastic beach finds. Luckily, Candy also has an Etsy store so that you can find her artwork if you don’t happen to live near her store. She has found so many artistic uses for shells, I could stay in her shop all day!


Cathy Hamilton

Seashell Pelican by Cathy Hamilton

Seashell Pelican by Cathy Hamilton

Seashell Jellyfish by Cathy Hamilton

Seashell Jellyfish by Cathy Hamilton

Seashell Dragonfly by Cathy Hamilton

Seashell Dragonfly by Cathy Hamilton

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Artist Cathy creates all sorts of wonderful things with natural seashells. From seahorses to jellyfish to Christmas trees, she has made them all and made them beautifully. But probably her trademark is creating amazing Seashell Pelicans. You can certainly see why. These birds are amazing. Handmade and amazing!


Dolores Marchand

Handmade Seashell Frame with Print of Seashells  by Dolores Marchand

Handmade Seashell Frame with Print of Seashells by Dolores Marchand

Antique Cormorant Print (Original, 1903) by Studer in Handmade Shell Frame  by Dolores Marchand

Antique Cormorant Print (Original, 1903) by Studer in Handmade Shell Frame by Dolores Marchand

Handmade Seashell Frame with Original Antique Sepia Photo by Dolores Marchand

Handmade Seashell Frame with Original Antique Sepia Photo by Dolores Marchand

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I love me a good seashell frame. And this Seashell Frame by Dolores Marchand is a good seashell frame. At first I thought that she had mixed some beads in there, but as I looked closer I saw that those are actually tiny shells — a whole bunch of them. Oh, and she includes the print as well!


Laura Tucker

Box with Drawers by Laura Tucker

Box with Drawers by Laura Tucker

Music Box by Laura Tucker

Music Box by Laura Tucker

Custom Clip by Laura Tucker

Custom Clip by Laura Tucker

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I always enjoy it when someone makes something that is both beautiful and functional. And that’s definitely the case with this Seashell Clip by Laura Tucker. I’m picturing this as being great to use in some way during a beach wedding. Maybe as a way to keep programs from blowing away? Something for that beach wedding anyway. Don’t you think?


Jess Faro

Collage in Shadowbox by Jess Faro

Collage in Shadowbox by Jess Faro

Collage in Shadowbox by Jess Faro

Collage in Shadowbox by Jess Faro

Collage in Shadowbox by Jess Faro

Collage in Shadowbox by Jess Faro

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Seashell artist Jess Faro makes a lot of very interesting ornaments and collages, like this Seashell Collage, out of shells hand-picked by herself or members of her family. I’m particularly drawn to her collages. It’s actually a lot harder than it looks to get a great seashell collage. You can’t just throw a bunch of shells together, there has to be a certain something else going on. Says Jess, “Every shell selected has its own feel, and its own character, and the natural ebb and flow that they create, together, is the wave that guides my hand.” And that’s the attitude that makes for a great seashell collage.


Alana Acker

Tropical Coastal Starfish with Abalone Seashells by Alana Acker

Tropical Coastal Starfish with Abalone Seashells by Alana Acker

Coastal Garland by Alana Acker

Coastal Garland by Alana Acker

Driftwood & Seashell Wind Chime by Alana Acker

Driftwood & Seashell Wind Chime by Alana Acker

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Like a lot of seashell artists, Alana first became interested in seashell art because of a beach wedding — her own. (her Etsy shop has some great photos of those decorations for her wedding) After the wedding, she decided to turn her passion toward creating these items for the weddings of others. She has several items that would work really well with a beach-themed wedding. I really like the simple beauty of this Coastal Wedding Garland myself.



Sea Shell Lace and Wood Picture Shadow Box by Bonnie

Sea Shell Lace and Wood Picture Shadow Box by Bonnie

Sea Shell Art Picture Frame by Bonnie

Sea Shell Art Wood Initial S by Bonnie

Sea Shell Art Wood Initial S by Bonnie

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The first thing that you’ll notice when you visit Bonnie’s shop is the dolls. She makes a wide selection of dolls (and if you’re a doll collector, I highly recommend checking them out as they are great). But she also creates some really great shell art, like this Seashell & Wood Initial S. What a great assortment of shells from the Gulf of Mexico, and how expertly they are arranged.



Starfish Embellished with Shells by Seanna

Starfish Embellished with Shells by Seanna

Seashell Seahorse by Seanna

Seashell Seahorse by Seanna

Florida Seashell Picture Frame by Seanna

Florida Seashell Picture Frame by Seanna

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I love the shades chosen by artist Seanna for this Sea Shell Picture Frame. All of the colors are soft, all complimenting each other in a wonderful way. Says Seanna, “It is my passion to find seashells to tell their story of the sea through my designs. Whether it is their radiant color, captivating shape or pattern; all are characteristics created by the tides”


Kristina Marie

Seashell Flowers with Cultured Pearls by Kristina Marie

Seashell Flowers with Cultured Pearls by Kristina Marie

Sea Shell Flower by Kristina Marie

Sea Shell Flower by Kristina Marie

Sea Shell Flowers by Kristina Marie

Sea Shell Flowers by Kristina Marie

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I’m a sucker for a good flower-shaped design using seashells. I’m a romantic that way, I guess. So something like "Seashell Flowers" by Kristina is right up my alley. I love the way that she has constructed her petals and I love the selection of shells that she uses in this piece. Kristin is also the sort of artist who creates in a wide variety of styles. I particularly like her sea glass angels. But that's for the sea glass page...


Janice Plihal

Handmade Shell Picture Frame by Janice Plihal

Handmade Shell Picture Frame by Janice Plihal

Handmade Shell Mirror by Janice Plihal

Handmade Shell Mirror by Janice Plihal

Handmade Shell Box by Janice Plihal

Handmade Shell Box by Janice Plihal

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Janice Plihal is an artist who has worked in many different media in many different parts of the country. From garments to repurposed antiques to shell art, she has produced a very large body of work. Including a line of jewelry boxes using hand-picked seashells. Each box is unique and each is beautiful. Just look at the Shell Treasure Box to see what I mean. I love how much has gone into the details of this work. It’s absolutely beautiful.


Kelly Nicholson

Seashell Necklace by Kelly Nicholson

Seashell Necklace by Kelly Nicholson

Seashell Earrings by Kelly Nicholson

Seashell Earrings by Kelly Nicholson

Seashell Necklace by Kelly Nicholson

Seashell Necklace by Kelly Nicholson

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Artist Kelly Nicholson creates a lot of wonderful beach-themed jewelry. Personally, I really like her works incorporating seashells like her incredible line of Seashell Necklaces. Wonderful choices of shells here.



Glascock 2 Wind Chime by Jessica

Glascock 2 Wind Chime by Jessica

4R Shell Wall Hanger by Jessica

4R Shell Wall Hanger by Jessica

Bob Graham Wind Chime by Jessica

Bob Graham Wind Chime by Jessica

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Artist Jessica is an avid beachcomber. So avid, in fact, that she found that she was bringing home way too many shells and driftwood pieces. Which is what started her out on her journey of seashell artwork. I’m glad she did. Jessica has a great eye for which pieces fit together well, like in her Glascock 2 Wind Chime.



Seashell Heart by Susan

Seashell Heart by Susan

Seashell Seahorse by Susan

Seashell Seahorse by Susan

Seashell Peace Sign by Susan

Seashell Peace Sign by Susan

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Susan is a seashell artist working in NSW Australia, where she uses all locally-collected seashells in her work. Now, most of the shell art that I am used to comes from either the East or West Coasts of the US, so the differences in those Australian shells really caught my eye. I love the colors!


Lonnie Coleman


Momi Shell Earrings by Lonnie Coleman

Cowrie Shell Necklace by Lonnie Coleman

Cowrie Shell Necklace by Lonnie Coleman

Puka Shell Bracelet by Lonnie Coleman

Puka Shell Bracelet by Lonnie Coleman

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All of the wonderful objects created by artist Lonnie Coleman have been made from materials gathered by herself on beachcombing expeditions on the beaches of Kauai. Including works like the Momi Shell Earrings.



Decorative Glass Seashell Bottles  by Natalie<

Decorative Glass Seashell Bottles by Natalie

9 inch Handmade Seashell Letters by Natalie

9 inch Handmade Seashell Letters by Natalie

Beach in a Bottle by Natalie

Beach in a Bottle by Natalie

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Natalie and her daughter Journey became hooked on the beachcombing lifestyle after moving to Florida. And that affinity for finding things on the beach turned into their love of creating shell art. She says, “Each beach walk we take gives us a new adventure, and we hope that we can give you a little bit of our own beach fun in the pieces that you bring home.” I particularly like these Seashell Decorative Bottles which I’m sure could find some use in a beach-themed wedding.


Sherri Ortega

by Sherri Ortega

by Sherri Ortega

by Sherri Ortega

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Sherri Ortega is one of my favorite beach-themed artists on Etsy. I love how she works with different materials like shells, broken glass and resin. She creates some great pieces of art. Like this Abalone Dolphin which has been made with crushed abalone shells of varying shades of gray that have been beautifully arranged and set in clear resin. And Sherri has created quite a few works, and all just as interesting and beautiful as this!


Sue Wolff Vigliotti

Ariel's Calm by Sue Wolff Vigliotti

Ariel's Calm by Sue Wolff Vigliotti

Ariel's Symphony by Sue Wolff Vigliotti

Ariel's Symphony by Sue Wolff Vigliotti

Ariel's Song by Sue Wolff Vigliotti

Ariel's Song by Sue Wolff Vigliotti

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There are a fair amount of seashell-covered picture frames out there, but it really does take a good eye to make it work. Artist Sue has a great eye. She specializes in fantastic frames like Ariel’s Sunrise (by the way, I think it’s fantastic the way that she names each of her pieces) which she creates using Florida shells which she has gathered herself.


Seashell & Wood Photo Caddy by Sheryl

Seashell & Wood Photo Caddy by Sheryl

Mixed Scallop Seashell Wreath by Sheryl

Mixed Scallop Seashell Wreath by Sheryl

Nautical Anchor Hooks by Sheryl

Nautical Anchor Hooks by Sheryl

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I am a big fan of a good shell wreath. And since artist Sheryl makes great shell wreaths I am a huge fan of Sheryl’s. For instance on Shell Flowers and Stars she has used shells to create flower petals (which is something that I always love) and starfish made from cockle shells, then lit the whole thing up! I love it!


Hawaii Bob

Sand Dollar Night Light by Hawaii Bob

Sand Dollar Night Light by Hawaii Bob

Beach Seashell Wind Chimes by Hawaii Bob

Beach Seashell Wind Chimes by Hawaii Bob

Black Clam Nightlight by Hawaii Bob

Black Clam Nightlight by Hawaii Bob

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I always like something unique. And Hawaii Bob’s line of handmade nightlights fits that bill. Each one is different, like his Sanibel Island Sand Dollar Night Light, as each one uses a different assortment of shells. What a great addition to a kids’ room this would be!


Carol Bell

Funky Fusion Flower by Carol Bell

Funky Fusion Flower by Carol Bell

Jewelry Flower Bowl by Carol Bell

Jewelry Flower Bowl by Carol Bell

White Rose Seashell Flower by Carol Bell

White Rose Seashell Flower by Carol Bell

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I’ve mentioned how much I like flowers made out of shells. Well, seashell artist Carol Bell has really taken that to the next level. For works like Seashell Flower Sphere she takes natural yellow/lemon Florida Jingle Shells that she has personally collected on Florida beaches, then she makes those into beautiful roses, then she takes more than a dozen of those roses and brings them together to create a beautiful sphere. Unbelievably beautiful, wouldn’t you agree?


Sue Green

Beach Bottle Party Favor by Sue Green

Beach Bottle Party Favor by Sue Green

Stained Glass Beach Prism by Sue Green

Stained Glass Beach Prism by Sue Green

Beach Bottle Note Holder by Sue Green

Beach Bottle Note Holder by Sue Green

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Artist Sue Green creates a wonderful array of small beach-themed, hand-made items that make great party favors and table decorations. Each is a one-of-a-kind creation made from materials gathered during Sue’s 30 years of beachcombing — from sand to sea glass to shells. I can just picture items like this set of Beach Bottle Party Favors adorning the tables at the Reception of a beach wedding.


Daniella Leigh

Lily Inspired Oyster Shell Ring Dish by Daniella Leigh

Lily-Inspired Oyster Shell Ring Dish by Daniella Leigh

Beachy Favors Oyster Trinket Dish by Daniella Leigh

Beachy Favors Oyster Trinket Dish by Daniella Leigh

Large Nautical Trinket Dish by Daniella Leigh

Large Nautical Trinket Dish by Daniella Leigh

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Daniella Leigh is a seashell artist who works mainly with oyster shells. And boy, does she get some wonderful works of art out of those shells.

I absolutely love her eye for colors and the wonderful composition of the patterns she uses to decoupage the interiors of these shells. These are some absolutely wonderful ring dishes and trinket dishes — perfect for use as decorations for beach weddings and parties.


Rebecca and Julia

Oyster Shell Wreath by Rebecca and Julia

Oyster Shell Wreath by Rebecca and Julia

Oyster Shell Bloom by Rebecca and Julia

Oyster Shell Bloom by Rebecca and Julia

Oyster Flamingo by Rebecca and Julia

Oyster Flamingo by Rebecca and Julia

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I'm a West Coast artist, so you'll see a lot of mussles and clams in seashell art from those of us on this side of the country, but for seashell artists on the East Coast, like Rebecca and Julia who are in South Carolina, you'll see a lot of oysters.

These 2 seashell artists have definitely figured out ways to make those oyster shells into beautiful seashell art and seashell artwork. Take for instance that "Oyster Flamingo." I mean: Wow! I simply love the color on this piece and the way that they've worked the different oyster shells around to create that elegant flamingo neck is just incredible.


Leah Yoder

Adventure Balloon by Leah Yoder

Adventure Balloon by Leah Yoder

Azure Bloom by Leah Yoder

Azure Bloom by Leah Yoder

Seashell Heart by Leah Yoder

Seashell Heart by Leah Yoder

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Little scenes like "Adventure Balloon" by Leah Yoder get me every time. I enjoy art that tells a little story and when seashell art tells a little story I am hooked.

Luckily, Leah has several other works like this which tell stories with seashells, pebbles and sea glass.

But I'm also a fan of seashell hearts. Heck, I'm a fan of heart-shaped art in general, but when someone does something like Leah's "Seashell Heart" I stop and take notice.


Holli Soriano

Petite Coastal Seashell Flowers by Holli Soriano

Seashell Rose by Holli Soriano

Seashell Rose by Holli Soriano

Seashell Wall Hanging by Holli Soriano

Seashell Wall Hanging by Holli Soriano

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I've featured the seashell art of Holli Soriano on a few other pages of this site, as I am a big, big fan. I really enjoy the way that she creates seashell flowers and uses them as components of a bigger design.

For instance, her Seashell Wall Hanging is one example. First off, the seashell flowers that she creates here are absolutely beautiful. Top notch on their own. But Holli doesn't stop there. She mounts 3 of these seashell flowers on a piece of upcycled wood to create this wonderful wall hanging.

I love it!


Lauren Flanagan

Shell Mosaic by Lauren Flanagan

Shell Mosaic by Lauren Flanagan

Floral Array by Lauren Flanagan

Floral Array by Lauren Flanagan

Seashell Flowers by Lauren Flanagan

Seashell Flowers by Lauren Flanagan

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There are several different techniques when it comes to using seashells to create flowers, and I believe that seashell artist Lauren Flanagan has tried them all. And they work!

My favorite has to be the way that she's used the shells sideways in her "Shell Mosaic" above. I love the way that she has slightly angled those scalloped shells to create that flowing effect for the flowers.

But she doesn't stop there. Lauren makes all kinds of flower seashell art in all sorts of shapes. And again: it works.


Lisa Johnston

Eye of Shiva, Hearth Cockle & Sundial by Lisa Johnston

Eye of Shiva, Hearth Cockle & Sundial by Lisa Johnston

Black MUrex & Driftwood by Lisa Johnston

Black MUrex & Driftwood by Lisa Johnston

Five Cone Shells by Lisa Johnston

Five Cone Shells by Lisa Johnston

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Sometimes simple and clean is the way to go, and in the world of seashell art one person who does the simple and clean style fantastically is Lisa Johnston.

Take, for instance, "Five Cone Shells." It's very minimalist and manages to really catch your eye. First off, Lisa has chosen for display five really attractive shells — similar but each unique in its own way. Then she has carefully displayed those shells atop a really nice piece or driftwood.

Place this in a room and all eyes will immediately go there.


Averill Lemen

Coquina Shell Flower by Averill Lemen

Coquina Shell Flower by Averill Lemen

Coquina Shell Wings Necklace Pendant by Averill Lemen

Coquina Shell Wings Necklace Pendant by Averill Lemen

Multicolor Seashell Art by Averill Lemen

Multicolor Seashell Art by Averill Lemen

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If you're looking for a seashell artist with a great eye for color, then you've found that seashell artist in Averill Lemen.

Not only does she make some really fantastic flowers from shells (her designs are much more "open" than most others I've seen) she manages to work in great colors along with that great design. Amazing.


Sue Corbin

Seashell Starfish by Sue Corbin

Seashell Starfish by Sue Corbin

Seashell Plant Hanger by Sue Corbin

Seashell Plant Hanger by Sue Corbin

Seashell Sea Turtle by Sue Corbin

Seashell Sea Turtle by Sue Corbin

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Sue Corbin has been one of my favorite seashell artists for quite some time. I've always been drawn to the intricate detail that she puts into her seashell art. For instance, just look at that Seashell Starfish. There's this meticulous use of small shells as an outline to the piece. That's great! But then look at the symetry of each piece of the starfish — how everything balances out. I love it.

And her works use a lot of shells!

Which I think is great.


Kari Carr

Seashell Starfish by Kari Carr

Seashell Starfish by Kari Carr

Seashell Fish Wall Sculpture by Kari Carr

Seashell Fish Wall Sculpture by Kari Carr

Seashell Summer Wreath by Kari Carr

Seashell Summer Wreath by Kari Carr

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Seashell artist Kari Carr has a wide variety of shell art depicting fun things like fish and other little creatures. She has wonderful seashell wreaths that would look great in any home. But what really grabbed me was when I first saw her Seashell Starfish.

See, here's the thing: I don't usually feature art that uses cut shells. It's just not my thing. But when I saw what Kari had done with this bit of seashell art, I was hooked.



Tiger Cowrie Owl by Grace

Tiger Cowrie Owl by Grace

Cockeyed Bird by Grace

Cockeyed Bird by Grace

Seashell Owl by Grace

Seashell Owl by Grace

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I always enjoy when an artist makes cute little critters out of shells. Shell artist Grace does this really well. I mean, just look at those cute little owls, will ya?


Michaela Raeburn

Couple on Sunset Beach by Michaela Raeburn

Couple on Sunset Beach by Michaela Raeburn

Greek Village by Michaela Raeburn

Greek Village by Michaela Raeburn

Girl on Beach by Michaela Raeburn

Girl on Beach by Michaela Raeburn

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Michaela Raeburn is one of my more recent discoveries, and boy am I glad that I discovered this artist. What Michaela is doing with her shell art is not only truly unique, but also downright beautiful. Using a mixed media approach, she embellishes wonderful watercolor oceans with shells, pebbles, moss and more to create very elaborate seascapes. I love these!

If you've looked around the pages of Seashell Madness you know that I am a huge fan of beach-themed artwork in all of its forms. So I suppose that's why I'm so in love with Michaela's approach — it's not just the combination of paint and shells that appeals to me, it's the way that she combines paint and shells.

For instance, take a look at her "Couple on Sunset Beach." Here we can see just how great Michaela is at composition — the way this couple is placed on the bench looking out toward the sea. This is the way you would expect a great filmmaker to set the scene.

The look of the ocean in the distance is simply breathtaking — It's a wonderful piece of art in and of itself — then add in the way that she has used those natural materials atop the paint... Fantastic!


Top Seashell Artists on Etsy

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Best Beach PaintersBest Resin Artists with a Beach ThemeBest Seashell ArtistsBest Driftwood ArtistsBest Beach Jewelry Designers

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