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Beach Christmas Guide 2022 ~ deck your halls with coastal flair

You might call it Beach Christmas. You might call it Coastal Christmas. Or maybe you just call it "let's get out of the snow!"

Whatever you call it, it's a great way to combine the fun of the holidays with the cool vibe of the beach lifestyle. Following is the official Seashell Madness Beach Christmas Guide for 2022!

Who wouldn't want a little beach time in their holidays? (I know that I do!)

Now, there are some people who feel that unless it is cold and snowy outside that it's not Christmas, but there are many others who realize that the holiday spirit doesn't necessarily involve bundling up.

I will admit that I once thought that a White Christmas was the only real Christmas — you simply had to be bundled up in 15 layers of clothes or it wasn't yet "The Season" — but the first time that I spent a Christmas day wading through the surf picking up seashells I realized that it's the mood that you're in that dictates whether you have the Christmas spirit, not the outside temperature.

And strolling on that beach that day, I certainly knew that I felt the spirit of the holidays.

Now that I've been running Seashell Madness for a few years I decided to put together a guide for those who may be wanting to get a little more beach in their holidays

Wether you are enjoying your holidays on an actual beach, or in an area that stays warm and snowless or if you are stuck in the snow but dreaming of the beach there are lots of ways to bring in that beach vibe to your holidays.

This page is just an overview to get you going. If you really want to dive into a certain aspect of Beach Christmas, know that this site has over 25 different pages dedicated to the subject (yes, I'm a little obsessive about my Beach Christmas). Clicking on any of the titles in this guide will take you to a more detailed page on the site.

And now, on to the Seashell Madness Beach Christmas Guide for 2022!

Beach Christmas Cards

For many people, the official start to the holiday season, the thing that really gets things kicked off and running, is the annual ritual of mailing out Christmas cards — pulling out the the old address book is an event and tradition in and of itself. Whether it is a digital contact file or an old, worn notebook with crumpled edges and dog-eared pages doesn't really matter. What matters are the names contained inside.

Some of the names will be people you see every day, others will be folks who you haven't contacted since last year at this time (and perhaps you haven't seen in person in many years). But they all deserve a personalized Christmas card from you — and this year it will be a personalized Beach Christmas card.

So spread that beach vibe holiday cheer far and wide with a great Beach Christmas card like the ones below (and remember that I've got a page full of lots more on this page

Santa on the Beach Variety Pack (8 designs / 24 cards)

Santa on the Beach Variety Pack (8 designs / 24 cards)

It's always great to have a selection of Christmas cards, and you get that with this set. Eight different designs with fun illustrations of Santa and the Reindeer enjoying the beach (presumably on December 26). I've sent out this set in the past and they've been a big hit. My personal favorite is the one where Santa and the reindeer are making a mad dash for the surf, but there's not a dud in this entire beach collection.

GET it at ETSY

Warmest Christmas Greetings (18 cards)

What I really like about this one is that it very much has the feel of a traditional Christmas card, but with a twist. Basically, it's only when you look closely that you notice that, hey, there are starfish and seashells as decorations. And, hey, the tree is actually an outline drawn in the sand. Way cool!



Beach Christmas Trees

Okay, so here's one of those things that I love — love to find, love to admire, love to write about — the Beach Christmas Tree.

If you've spent much time here on the Seashell Madness website you've probably noticed my fixation (okay, obsession) with sea glass. It is almost as strong as my fixation (obsession) with seashell art. There's just something about the magic of broken glass floating around in the ocean for a while then emerging as something jewel-like.

And with so much time being spent on sea glass, I long ago found that certain really creative artists were using this to create tiny and beautiful sea glass Christmas trees.

I absolutely love a good seaglass tree. Just check out a few of them and I think that you'll agree with me here. They just add such a unique, beautiful and eye-catching addition to any room. You can't help but fall in love with them!

When I started Seashell Madness it was natural that I devoted a lot of words to sea glass, and it was natural that in the first year I profiled these wonderful sea glass Christmas trees.

Long story short: it's pretty clear that I'm not the only one who is obsessed with these wonderful trees as my list of Beach Christmas Trees very quickly became the most popular page on the site — by quite a bit!

Each year I update this list (which continues to be the most popular page on the site) and this year I've really let my obsession run wild by making it the biggest list yet. Check out the examples below and you'll see why I think that seaglass Christmas Trees are so cool, or better yet, head on over to my full list of Beach Christmas Trees here!

EXTRA Large 15in. Turquoise Seafoam Aqua Green Coastal Christmas Tree

Seafoam Aqua Green Coastal Christmas Tree

How can anyone not love sea glass? Even if it's faux sea glass it is still wonderful and cool, and if it is authentic sea glass, then even better. This artist has been making these seafoam green trees for a while now (they've been a big hit on past verstions of this guide) and I am thrilled that they are still available. The way that the bits of glass flow downward to make a tree is just stunning. And if you get the light just right... beautiful!

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Oyster Shell Tree

Oyster Shell Christmas Tree

But sea glass is not the only material that can be used to create wonderful Christmas trees. The simple oyster shell can also be employed to the same effect. And the effect is phenomenal! I think it's fantastic that this artist is able to create such sublimely beautiful coastal Christmas trees and to make them in all sorts of sizes. Just pick the right one for your space.

GET it at ETSY


Beach Christmas Coffee Mugs

As a fan of the beach and of Christmas and of COFFEE, I can definitely get behind the idea of sipping java from a mug which reflects both a beach theme and a Christmas theme.

The thing is, I couldn't actually find that many of them out there. There were plenty of other beach Christmas themed items out there (as you can tell by the size of this guide!) but not a lot of coffee mugs.

So I made some myself (which was fun)! We've got a collection of 20 different coffee mugs which you won't find anywhere else but in the Seashell Madness store at threadless.com. Here are a few of my favorites, but to see them all, check out my page of Beach Christmas Coffee Mugs.

This is how we do Christmas

"This is how we do Christmas" (image wraps around mug)

This is how we do Christmas - coffee mug

If your idea of the perfect way to spend the holidays is in a camper van on a beach somewhere, then you and I are definitely in sync. This mug is my favorite and the one that you will often see me using during the winter months. I say, "This is how we do Christmas!"

GET it from our Threadless shop

Tis the season for suntans

"Tis the season for suntans" (image wraps around mug)

Tis the season for suntans - coffee mug

Seriously, who wouldn't want a suntan for Christmas?

GET it from our Threadless shop


Beach Christmas Candles

I don't know about you, but I am definitely a candle person. There's just something about that soft, golden light that makes a room feel so much more comfortable. Especially when you turn off a room's main lights and simply go with the candles. I love that.

As long as you're careful not to burn the place down, I say the more candles the better!

And what would Christmas be without Christmas candles? Christmas candles are a tradition that goes back hundreds of years. Whether it's a candlelit Christmas service at a local church or a tree decorated in small candles or just your festive holiday room decked out in them, the right candles really add to the whole Christmas spirit.

So why would it be different if we are talking a Beach Christmas? (the answer is: it wouldn't).

Then, since you know that I am an admitted fan of candles it should come as no surprise that over the years I've come across many different varieties. I've listed a few of them here, so feel free to check them out. Or check out a bigger list of great Beach Christmas Candles.

Santa, Mrs Claus and Reindeer Hula Dancing Candle

Santa, Mrs. Claus and Reindeer Hula Dancing Candle Holder

You can't get much more "beach Christmas" with a candle than you can when it is contained within this candle holder. You've got Santa, Mrs. Claus and a couple of reindeer doing the hula in the sand. It's a fun concept and the figures are done really well. I just love the look on Santa's face, you can almost feel that this is the first time that he's been roped into hula dancing and he's decided to just go with it. How great is that?

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Hand Painted Coral Reef Christmas Tree Flat Candle

Hand-Painted Coral Reef Christmas Tree Flat Candle

Flat candles are great in that they leave a lot of room for artist to get creative. Basically, the flat candle is like a canvas upon which something great can be painted. Like with this one. I love the simple beach scene with a Christmas tree. It has a very warm and inviting feel to it. And knowing that it is hand-painted makes it even more appealling.

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Beach Christmas Lawn Decorations

For as long as I can remember, one of the things that I've always looked forward to at Christmastime is to drive around the neighborhood checking out the way that the neighbors have decorated their homes for the holidays.

Everyone piles in the family car and cruises the neighborhood oohing and ahing at the creativity and holiday experiences that have transformed these spaces from ordinary yards into holiday celebration spaces.

And when I got older and found myself in a beach neighborhood I was surprised to find that exact same decorating tradition happens there — snow and cold were not necessary ingredients for the holiday cheer.

Santas still rode their sleighs upon the lawns, pulled along be the faithful group of reindeer. Sure, Santa may have been dressed in swim trunks and the reindeer may have been replaced by flamingos, but the tradition of decorating the lawn for Christmas worked just as well in a beach environment as it did in a frozen one.

Check out a few examples from the beach genre of holiday lawn decorations below, and if you want to see a much bigger list, take your sleigh on over to the Christmas Lawn Decorations page on this site.

Surfing Santa and Christmas Dolphins Yard Signs

Surfing Santa and Christmas Dolphins Yard Signs

Holiday lawn decorations have come a long way since the days of only big outdoor string lights that you had to risk your life to hang from your gutters. I mean, obviously people still risk their lives hanging lights, but there are also a whole lot more decorations that are both attractive and easy. Like this one. I love the Surfing Santa theme. And how cool is it that the reindeer are replaced with Maui dolphins?


7-Foot Inflatable Santa Claus and Penguin on a Desert Island

7-Foot Inflatable Santa Claus and Penguin on a Desert Island

What could be more effective at conveying the holiday spirit than a big ol' inflatable Santa? And if you're going for that beach vibe, then of course Santa needs to be enjoying a drink under a palm tree. With a penguin with a beach ball.



Beach Christmas Clip Art

Are you the type who loves the holidays for the opportunity it presents to make your own Christms-themed crafts? There's something about whipping out the construction paper and markers or paints and brushes or the shrinkie-dinks — whatever medium you work with — and making Santas and angels and reindeer.

And if you have kids around, the act of getting craftsy at Christmas makes for a wonderful bonding experience with the little ones (I know that I fondly remember the times that my mom made Christmas crafts with me and the times that I made Christmas crafts with my own kids when they were little).

And there is an added set of tools available from when I was a kid: namely, that you can download some really great original artwork for use in your designs. How cool is that?

Luckily, there are quite a few digital artists creating wonderful holiday-themed clip art for use in your crafts projects. And, believe it or not, quite a few of those holiday-themed art downloads have the more specific theme of Beach Christmas.

Lucky for us!

Below I'm showing you a few of these downloads that I've taken from my page full of Beach Christmas download ideas. These are just a few here but I really geeked out on this subject elsewhere on Seashell Madness, so enjoy these few and if you want to see even more ideas, check out the full page of Christmas Clip Art.

Tropical Islander Santa with Surf Boards

Tropical Islander Santa with Surf Boards

Want to make some Christmas decorations featuring a beach Christmas theme but you can't draw to save your life? This is where clip art collections like this one come in to save the day. And I really love the style in which this clip art is drawn. There are a lot of "beach santa" renditions out there — and many of them are great — but this one is really great. I'll bet you could use that Santa as part of something that you're creating for the holidays. Couldn't you?

GET it at ETSY

Christmas Mermaid and Other Holiday Sea Creatures Art Download

Christmas Mermaid and Other Holiday Sea Creatures Art Download

We cover a lot of mermaid topics here at Seashell Madness. There's just something fascinating about these mythical ladies. So I'm very glad that there is a clip art collection with a really good rendition of a Christmas mermaid. I can see her and her companions on all sorts of personalized ornaments, decorations and cards. Just download and add them to your crafty projects!

GET it at ETSY


Beach Christmas Decor

Deck the halls? Yes Please! And an extra serving of "Fa la la la la!"

Making your house nice and festive for the holidays can be a really fun experience in and of itself. Stringing tinsel, hanging lights, hanging the stockings by the chimney (if you have one) with care... it all adds up to a great holiday experience.

Plus, the end result is that your house looks primed and ready for holiday cheer.

The experience doesn't change just because your house is a beach house — you still want all of that holiday cheer, but just with a beach theme. (And let's face it, even if your house isn't a beach house, it's a lot of fun going with decor that gives that vibe.

So in the spirit of hall decking, here are a few ideas for Beach Christmas Decor (with several more on this page should you want to pursue the matter further.

Santa, Snowman, Palm Tree with Christmas Lights DIY Beach Santa Holiday Party Essentials

Santa, Snowman, Palm Tree with Christmas Lights DIY Beach Santa Party Essentials

Say you want to add some little details to a room that make your Coastal Holiday theme pretty apparent from the moment that someone walks in the door. Well, this set of little decorative essentials will do the trick quite nicely. With Beach Santa and his flamingo pool float as the centerpiece on your table your intentions should be quite obvious.


Christmas Tree Made of Shells Door Sign

Christmas Tree Made of Shells Door Sign

And if you want to make that impression before your guests walk into the room? Why not a seashell tree mounted on the door? I believe that would work.

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Beach Christmas Ornaments

Here's one of the areas in which the beach really shines: Beach Christmas Ornaments!

It really is amazing how many different ideas that artists can come up with in this one area.

Now, for those who are regular readers of Seashell Madness you know that a big chunk of this site and an area that I spend a lot of time obsessing over is beach-themed art. I've looked at, bought, and/or admired thousands of works of art ranging from seashell art, to driftwood art to resin works and on and on — all with a beach theme. And I am thrilled that a lot of my favorite artists are able to turn their beach sensibilities to ornaments.

Not only are there a lot of "traditional" ornaments (you know, the round bulbs with patterns on the outside) that reflect a beach theme, there are also unique touches like sea glass, shells and starfish which make their way onto the boughs of the Christmas tree.

I could go on and on about Beach Christmas Ornaments (and if you want me to, you can check out the Beach Christmas Ornaments page on this site. Meanwhile, below are a few good ones.

Sand Dollar Christmas Tree Ornaments with Aqua Ribbon<

Sand Dollar Christmas Tree Ornaments

I could go on for days showing you beach-themed ornaments that I love. But let's just look at a few here, like these sand dollars. This one shows that sometimes a great concept doesn't have to be elaborate. Here we've got something incredibly simple: some teal ribbon wrapped around some sand dollars. Simple, yet highly effective. Hanging some of these from your tree will make your guests think of beachiness whether they are at the beach or in a snowy place. Wonderful!


Shell, Sand & Starfish Christmas Ornament

Shell, Sand & Starfish Christmas Ornament

A little sampling of the beach brought to your home in a globe. Much like a ship in the bottle, with this ornament you can't help but to stop and gaze at the contents which are held within. It's like its own little world: a beach world!

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Beach Christmas Dishware

Most families have a special set of Christmas dishes set aside somewhere and brought out this one time a year to add to the specialness of the holidays.

I'm sure that my family is not alone in having Christmas dishware that gets handed down from generation to generation. It's such a neat experience, and having those holiday reminders keeps those past generations in our thoughts and close to our hearts.

And this is one tradition that most definitely can be continued at the beach!

You can still have all of the traditional Christmas themes, from Santas to reindeer to angels, but just add in some sand and sky and there you are: Beach Christmas Dishware.

And maybe that special set of dishes with a beach theme might end up handed down to future generations who may also like to get out to the beach during the holidays. There's no reason that can't happen. It's a long-held Christmas tradition, just add beach. Beach Christmas Dishware

Coastal Snowman Tissue Cover

Coastal Snowman Tissue Cover

If you have a lot of coastal decor in your house then you probably have a few beach-themed tissue covers around. (If you don't, then you should as they are much more attractive than a standard tissue box and they give you a chance to make that coastal impression). Around holiday time you can put your usual tissue covers in the closet and replace them for 6 weeks or so with this guy. I love the look of this snowman and his shells and beach scene make him perfect for our holidays at the coast.


Christmas Flamingo Wine Glass

Christmas Flamingo Wine Glass

If you told me that you didn't want wine out of a Christmas Flamingo wine glass I don't believe that I would believe you. I might even call you a liar to your face. Because, really, who wouldn't want to celebrated the holidays with a little vino from a glass like this?

GET it at ETSY


Beach Christmas Pillows

A good beach throw pillow is a wonderful addition to any beach house (or landlocked house that longs to be a beach house). I've gone through many of these pillows (and admired many, many more), yet it is only recently that I've discovered how many pillows there are with both a beach theme and a Christmas theme.

It really is amazing what a difference that the right pillow can make to a room, and if it's holiday cheer you're looking for, then a pillow can bring it in much greater proportion than just its physical size. So why not bring out these special pillows during this special time of the year?

You can have dedicated pillows which are stored away until December, or you have a wide choice of pillow cases which can be slipped over your day-do-day pillows and thus magically transform them for the holidays.

Either way, there are a lot to choose from. I'll show you a few below, or if you want a more complete list then buzz on over to the Seashell Madness Beach Christmas Pillows page.

Hand-Painted Christmas Palm Tree Pillow

Generally speaking, anything handpainted you can count me in. But it's especially true when the hand painting is something really cool like this Christmas decorated palm tree. I love the colors being used here and the style of the painting really brings out a festive feel. This one is just lovely.

GET it at ETSY

Christmas Starfish/Seashell/Conch/Coral Decorative Pillow Covers

Christmas Starfish/Seashell/Conch Decorative Pillow Covers

Let's see, a starfish a seashell and a conch. I'd say that lends a very coastal feel to things, wouldn't you? Mistletoe, jingle bell and bow, well that gives a very Christmasy feel to things. So let's add the two together, shall we?



Beach Christmas Shirts

When people think of Christmas shirts they often are thinking of Christmas sweaters, those much-maligned nitted wonders with snowflakes and trees and such woven into the fabric. But in fact, there exists a much broader (and much cooler) set of shirts which carry a Christmas theme.

T-shirts, sweatshirts, and heck, even Hawaiian shirts are available featuring all of those Christmasy graphics.

And as you may have guessed, many of these shirts are great for both the yuletide and the high tide (Wait... now that I think of it, I don't believe I've seen any "yuletide/high tide" shirts in this collection — maybe I should make one?)

If you're spending your winter holidays at the beach, you may not want a heavy sweater. Perhaps a T-shirt is just what you need.

And guess what? I've found a whole bunch of those. Here are a few. If you'd like a few more, surf on over to our Beach Christmas Shirts list.

Christmas Shark T-Shirt

Christmas Shark T-Shirt

It's the expression on this shark's face that really does it for me. I can just imagine a "ho ho ho!" being shouted as he crusises through the water with his holiday decor. By the way, a few years ago I actually saw a Christmas shark. It was a little one, but it was crashing though the surf on Christmas day. Really!


Made to Order Beach Santa Hawaiian Shirt

You've gotta love the theme of Santa at the Beach. What a great image to think that in his down time he hops in the sled and cruises to a tropical locale. And what better place to put a tropical Santa print than on a Hawaiian shirt? Wearing this one you'll be the coolest at any Christmas party, or any Hawaiian shirt day at work.

GET it at ETSY


Beach Christmas Snow Globes

I'm not sure of the history of snow globes, but I do know that they've been around for quite a while. And I know that there are some folks who have giant collections of snow globes. Shake 'em up and watch the snow flake fall gently around whatever wintery scene is sculpted inside the glass.

Perhaps surprisingly, not all snow globes have wintery scenes. There are many that feature a more tropical beach-inspired theme to them.

Just because the theme is more tropical, doesn't lessen the fun of shaking them up, after all!

As I'm about to show you below. There are quite a few snow globes which can bring both the holiday spirit and the beach spirit. And if you're interested in a few more, I've got them on our Beach Christmas Snow Globes list.

Flamingos Round Flat Snow Globe Lantern

What is it about flamingos? There's something about them that brings a happy feel to whatever they are doing. And bringing them into a snow globe environment just makes the whole snow globe experience — already something enjoyable — all the more fun.


Cool Wave Snow Globe

Now, who would have thought to add a tropical wave to a snow globe? I'm not sure, but I'm glad that they did. This nice curling wave — perfect for surfing — is wonderfully highlighted when put in a glass sphere.



Beach Snowman

When you start looking around at items for a beachy Christmas, it doesn't take long to realize that one of the most popular themes — second only to Santa himself — is the snowman on the beach.

I guess it makes sense. I mean, I really get a kick out of the thought of a creature made from a few balls of snow spending time relaxing on a beach. So it shouldn't be surpising that the image is popular.

And popular it is. And the good thing about that is that with so many beach snowmen to choose from, it really isn't difficult to find the one for you. Whether we're talking in the form of a Christmas card or a figurine or one of those big blow-up things that you put in your front yard there is a tropical snowman for you.

I'll show you a few. If you'd like to see more than a few more, click on our Beach Christmas Snowman page.

You're welcome.

8ft Inflatable Giant Christmas Hawaii Snowman with Surfboard

Oh the colors on this guy! I admit that I'm a sucker for giant inflateable anythings. There's just something really fun about the whole concept, like it's that big parade in New York. But having a snowman with his surfboard is really what I want in my front lawn. And the colors. Did I mention the colors? Great!


Waving Beach Snowman Apron

I love how happy this artwork is! The snowman is smiling and waving. The crab is smiling and waving. The sun is smiling. It's a beautiful day at the beach... and all of this on an apron, meaning that it would be perfect for your Christmas day cookout. Mmmm!



Beach Christmas Sweaters

Something tells me that this is the section of this guide that you've been waiting for!

After all, who doesn't like a great Christmas sweater? Whether it's great because it actually is great or it's great because it is so darned ugly that the ugliness makes it great, we all love 'em.

And even at the beach, sweaters usually work during the winter months. Maybe not during the daytime, but when the sun goes down most beaches cool off considerably, making the sweater a great addition to your bag of beach apparel.

And at Christmastime, the beach sweater gains an added dimension. Here are a few for your beach lounging pleasure, for more of your beach lounging pleasure you can try our bigger list of Beach Christmas Sweaters.

Ukulele Santa Sweater

In the fine tradition of ugly... um, I mean, bright, colorful and festive Christmas sweaters we have here Santa playing the ukulele. In his big rattan chair you can almost hear ol' Saint Nick belting out the "Mele Kalikimaka" song on a big expanse of beach. And if you are looking to get noticed with your Christmas sweater, I can pretty much guarantee that the vibrant color scheme that's going on here will let you achieve that goal... with flying colors.


Hula Dancing Christmas Sweater

And if you want to tone it down a bit but still be in that grand tradition of Christmas sweaters, here we have a wonderful hula girl version. I love the color combo on this one: the palm trees just jump out at you along with her swirling hula skirt. Love it!

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Beach Christmas Tree Skirts

Why exactly do Christmas trees wear skirts?

I'm not sure of the answer to that question, but I know that I'm glad that they do. Because that opens up the door for a whole lot of creativity when it comes to decorating your home for the holidays.

Since we are on Seashell Madness it should come as no real shocker to you that I've found a whole bunch of tree skirts which feature a beach theme. Actually, it is surprising just how many are out there — and cool ones to boot!

So whether your tree is at the beach or if you are in a snowy environment just dreaming of the beach, adding a tropical tree skirt to your tree really brings it all in for you.

And like I said, there are a bunch of great designs. So if you'd like to see more, then skirt on over to our list of great Beach Christmas Tree Skirts.

Tropical Christmas Flip Flops Tree Skirt

Come down to the beach and take your flip flops off! Nowhere in the world is this particular style of footwear better suited than at the beach. So whether your Christmas tree is located near a beach or if it's simply yearning to be in those warmer coastal environs, a tree skirt circumsribed with flip flops is definitely the way to go.


Surf's Up Santa Christmas Tree Skirt

I love the style of the graphic on this one. Yes, it's Santa with a surfboard, which is cool. Yes, flamingos wearing party hats and strap-on antlers is cool. Yes the snowman using his beach pale as a hat is cool. But it's just the style of the brushwork that really draws me in. And I am drawn in.

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Beach Christmas Tree Toppers

I have to wonder if, when someone first started thinking of spending a Christmas at the beach, if the first thing that they did was the tree topper?

After all, when you think about it, a common part of any beach decor is the starfish.

A common part of Christmas decor is the star atop the tree.

Just makes me wonder if the very first thing that we could relate to a beach Christmas would be someone sticking a starfish on top of their tree. I guess that there's no way to know for sure, but it's fun to think about (and perfectly logical, if I may say so).

At any rate, we've managed to round up quite a few neat little beachy things to top a tree. If you want to see more than I'm showing you here, then check out our full list here!

Starfish and Sea Fan Coral Tree Topper

There's something about fan coral that is breathtakingly beautiful, isn't there? I love the way that it all branches out with that delicate and subtle beauty. I love how this is combined with the starfish as a tree topper. Now, as a seashell artist myself, I have to say that I don't think that I would have thought of that combo for a tree topper. But this one if great. And I'm jealous.

GET it at ETSY

Mermaid with Starfish Tree Topper

Mermaids, mermaids, mermaids! If you've spent some time on Seashell Madness you know that I am a big fan of mermaids. And I am absolutely enamored of this 3D rendition of mermaidness (check out how the hair flows!). So using this as a tree topper? Amazing!

GET it at ETSY


Beach Christmas Books

Curling up with a book at the beach is a time-honored tradition. There's something about the white noise of the surf that provides the perfect backdrop for reading. And a book on the beach is such a relaxing way to spend the day (provided, of course, that you don't get sand in the pages!) that the 2 just naturally go together like peanut butter and jelly.

That said, for many people, partaking of a beach read during the holiday season may be a new experience. After all, you can't really have a beach read when there's a foot of snow on the ground (or, I guess you could but it might be a bit cold). But when the sun shines and the sand beckons, then a nice book is the way to go.

And if the idea of reading a book on the beach at Christmas still seems weird, then consider reading a book wherin the backdrop is a beach at Christmas. I've got a few listed below and if you are a voracious reader and these few aren't enough, I've got a bigger list of beach books for Christmas on this page right here.

Gulf Coast Christmas

A Beach House. A Christmas party. Romance. And, did we mention: beach house? This all makes for the perfect beach read while pondering your own coastal-themed holiday gathering. Or, coastal-themed holiday romance. Whichever.


Christmas at The Beach House Hotel

A fun little read about two women trying to regain control of their beach hotel from its new majority owner — and to do it in time for the perfect Christmas Eve beach wedding.



Beach Christmas Wrapping Paper

Have you ever gotten a gift that was so beautifully wrapped that you didn't want to open it?

Of course you have. We all have. Luckily there's usually something good on the inside to make the sacrifice worthwhile.

Plus, in those days leading up to Christmas, having beautifully wrapped presents under the tree really brings the spirit of the holidays to the room. Those presents are usually the first thing that you see when you walk in the room!

Well, if you're at the beach or going for a beach-like atmosphere this holiday season then it makes sense to wrap those gifts up in something with a beach theme. Or if you're sending a gift to a beach lover then it makes sense to wrap those gifts up in something with a beach theme. Or if you want to taunt someone who is stuck in a frozen locale as you enjoy the beach... well... I guess that's kind of mean to wrap those gifts up in something with a beach theme. But you get the idea.

Below are some great wraps for evoking the ocean at Christmastime. If you'd like to see more, check out our page of Beach Christmas Wrapping Paper

Christmas Shark Gift Wrap Roll

Okay, so I have a thing about sharks. They're cool, all right? And look at these Christmas sharks. I mean, how cool are they? Topped in their Santa hats, some wearing scarves, some wearing sweaters, and in a frenzy amidst pools of candy canes. Wow!


Aqua Gift Wrap

Assuming that you have enough gift-wrapping talent that you can make it so that this pattern shows the way that it shows here, you would clearly have the most eye-catching wrapping job under the whole tree. I assure you.

GET it at ETSY


Beach Reindeer

What's the one image that makes you think "Christmas?"

Okay, I guess that would actually be Santa Claus. But what would the second image be?

I vote "reindeer!" After all, in what other context do you ever see a reindeer? Unless you happen to live in Finland then images of reindeer are strictly seasonal.

So it comes as no surprise that the motif of reindeer at the beach is quite popular with those going for a beach vibe during this season.

I've put together a fun list of beach reinder on this page, but you can check out a sample right here.

Baby Rudolph Hand-Painted on Sea Glass

I love, love, love, love sea glass. And I am a huge fan of hand-painting. So when someone hand-paints an image on some sea glass I sit up and take notice. And in this case, the image carries a decidedly Christmas theme with a depiction of Baby Rudolph. Combine that with the wonderful use of wire wrap and this is something to really have a look at. Ya gotta love it!

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Beach Reindeer Phone Case

Pretty much everyone needs a phone case. So for the holidays why not swap yours out with this great beach reindeer?

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Beach Santa

We all know that Santa's main hub of operations is at the North Pole, but where exactly does Santa spend his downtime?

After all, we all need to get away sometimes. And one would assume that someone who was located in a perpetually wintery environment would choose as their getaway: a beach.

So if you want to pull off a great Christmas at the beach (or Christmas which brings up thoughts of the beach) you'll find lots of images of Santa enjoying the good life in the sun.

From artwork to wrapping paper there are a whole lot of artists giving their interpretation to the beach life of St. Nick. Check him out lounging on the beach with a pina colado in his hand, dancing a hula or riding a big wave with his reindeer pals.

I've got a few great Beach Santa images here, and a whole lot more if you visit the Seashell Madness page devoted to this great guy, the Beach Santa!

Beach Santa Christmas Tote Bag

How fun is this? Santa and the reindeer just chillin' at the beach, sipping drinks from a coconut. And it's a useful bag as well. I would use this in the place of the standard holiday gift bag. That way the recipient could get plenty more use out of it as a tote. And generate smiles along the way. Win-win!

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Santa's Tropical Christmas - Large Yard Art

Whether you have a beach house or a farm house, I think that this yard art is a must-have for the holidays. In fact, I think that this would work great if you're in a snowy environment for the holidays. Just plant Santa in the snow and dream of the beaches yet to come. It's a perfect Christmas wish!

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Beach-Themed Christmas Decorations

Christmas decorations can make or break the ambiance that you are trying to create for the holidays. Get the right decorations for the room and your gathering is a big success. Get them wrong and, well...

Luckily, we here at Seashell Madness have spent many, many hours checking out what makes for a good beach vibe. So we can pass on to you our recommendations for how to decorate your space to give it a beach theme. Whether you are at the beach or just dreaming of a beach Christmas, we've found the decorations that we think will allow you to pull this off.

Oh, and if this page doesn't have enough options for you, then head on over to our big page devoted exclusively to Beach-Themed Christmas Decorations

10 Nautical Fishing Floats Beach Style String Lights

10 Nautical Fishing Floats Beach Style String Lights

If you want your house — beach house or otherwise — to reflect a beach vibe then the decorations you choose are vital. And one image that says "beach" very, very well is a string of nautical fishing floats (by the way, if you don't know, these glass globes were used to keep fishing nets from sinking to the bottom of the ocean before the advent of plastic floats). String some of these and some fishnet around the place and you've got instant beach house!


Coastal Lighted Christmas Village Beach Christmas Decorations

Coastal Lighted Christmas Village Beach Christmas Decorations

Coastal Lighted Christmas Beach Village

A common bit of Christmas decorations at many houses is a little Christmas Village. I know that my mom had one which sat atop the console TV during my childhood holidays. So why not get one that reflects a coastal theme? I really enjoy the details on this one and I think you will too.



Christmas Beach Art

The concept for this website came about after I wrote a few little pieces about my obsession with beach art. Even before I moved to a beach community I was really drawn to any art that was deicated to the beach. And when I moved to a beach community and was able to spend time gathering seashells I then started turning those seashells into art.

I guess that the main point that I'm getting at here is that I have looked at quite a bit of beach art. I don't know if I would call myself an expert, but having looked at thousands of pieces of art and writing about quite a few of them I do know what I like.

Luckily, there is a whole lot of Christmas Beach Art that I like.

And the great thing about it is that since it is seasonal, you can rotate some of these pieces into a spot in your home that is already dedicated to beach art, then put them in storage once the holidays are over.

At any rate, here are a few examples that I think would look great in your beach house during the holidays. For a bigger list, check out my big list of Beach Christmas Art.

"Dreaming of a Beachy Christmas" Wall Hanging

First off, if you're checking out this page then there's a really good chance that you're dreaming of a beachy Christmas yourself. So that's point number one for this piece of wall art. But beyond that, just look at that snowman. Can't you just feel him wishing for the beach? And that smile!

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Beach Snowman Garden Sign

Okay, I just love the style of this one. Even if it didn't fit the theme of this page I think that I would include it anyway because it is just such a great piece of beach art. I mean, just look at the fun that this beach snowman is having! I can almost hear a goofy laugh as he shows off for his friends standing on his head. And it does fit the theme of this page. So great!

GET it at ETSY


Christmas Beach Towels

If you're spending time at the beach you need a beach towel.


If you're spending the holidays at the beach you need a Christmas Beach Towel.


But is it simple to find a beach towel with a Christmas theme to it? Actaully, the answer there is "yes." You have quite a few choices in your towelage. Like a good reindeer print? We've got it. Santa? Check. Other forms of winter fun on a summer blanket? Yup.

Below are a few that I really like, with a bigger list here.

The Christmas Chihuahua Beach Towel

The Christmas Chihuahua. 'Nuff said.


Skiing Reindeer Microfiber Beach Towel

You can't get more Christmas than a skiing reindeer — all decked out in old-fashioned ski sweater and knit ski pants. And you can't get more beach than a beach towel. So combine the two and what do you get?.. Okay, I was expecting you to say "Beach Christmas!" but if you didn't, I'll say if for you: "BEACH CHRISTMAS!"



Christmas Mermaids

Ah, mermaids!

For many, the mermaid is the centerpiece of any beach-themed decor — you simply can't not have mermaids if you are going for a beach vibe.

It's understandable given the history of these mythical maidens who, it was said, were spied by lonely sailors out at sea.

As it happens, there are several pages of this site devoted to mermaids and things with a mermaid theme (like jewelry, art, etc.) so since we feel we've got a pretty good handle on what makes a good mermaid it is only natural that we go looking for Christmas Mermaids.

To be honest, considering the major role of mermaids in the nautical and beach-inspired art, it is surprising that there aren't more Christmas mermaids.

Luckily, you've got Seashell Madness to help you find the good stuff. Below are a few, and you can check out more on this page of the site.

Personalized Mermaid Christmas Stocking

Just look at the colors on this stocking! This is the kind of Christmas stocking that will just light up a room. And the depiction of a mermaid makes it simply awesome. Oh, and if your name is "Krystal" then all the better!... okay, I'm kidding: you get to have it personalized with your very own name. Coolness!


Mermaid Christmas Ornaments

I love these little handmade mermaid ornaments. How cute are they? I want to fill up every bough on my tree with these. Forget any other ornaments. Just these mermaids. How great would that be?

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Coastal Christmas Stockings

Wherever you hang them with care, whether it's by the chimney or along a windowsill or wherever, Christmas Stockings are an essesntial part of any Christmas gathering.

Who doesn't appreciate having a stocking all filled with tiny toys and candies? Heck, even my cat gets a big thrill out of that one.

And just because you're at the beach and going for a beach vibe with your decor doesn't mean that you want to skip the stocking.

Lucky for you there are quite a few Christmas stockings around that feature a beach or ocean theme. Whether we're talking mermaids or beach Santas or seashells, it's quite possible to bring out the beach in this Christmas tradition.

As a side note, our list of Beach Christmas stockings was the first holiday-related post for Seashell Madness. And each year I have a lot of fun updating it. You can find the big list of Beach Christmas Stockings here, or/and check out these great examples listed below.

Turquoise Sea Friends & Starfish Christmas Stocking

Turquoise Sea Friends & Starfish Christmas Stocking

Okay, so this is one of those items on this list that has appeared on past versions of this list and has always been a huge hit! The colors and the little coastal patterns make them fit in with basically any room with beach house decor. Plus they're personalized. So, it's no wonder that they've been a big hit. And it's no wonder that I'm featuring them again.

GET it at ETSY

Merry Mermaid with Reversible Sequins Christmas Stocking

Merry Mermaid with Reversible Sequins Christmas Stocking

I just get a kick out of this stocking shaped like a mermaid's tail. I mean, if regular stockings are shaped like a human foot, and mermaids have tails instead of feet, then it just makes sense that this is what a mermaid would hang from her chimney with care. Right?



Hawaiian Christmas

My guess is that the concept of a Beach Christmas as we know it came from the Hawaiian Islands.

After all, there are a whole lot of beaches in Hawaii. There's a whole lot of surfing. And Christmastime comes around without a snowflake to be seen.

Thus Beach Christmas.

Whether that's true or whether I'm just romanticizing, there is a lot of great art and decor related to the Hawaiian version of Christmas. And there's a lot more of it on this page of the site.

So Mele Kalikimaka to you!

"Mele Kalikimaka" Vinyl Decal

You can never get enough "Mele Kelikimaka" in my opinion. And I think that this one is great that it is in the form of a vinyl decal. So adhere it to anything you want and give an immediate Hawaiian spirit of Christmas.

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Mele Kalikimaka Palm Tree Doormat

At our house we have a few different doormats that we swap out depending upon the season (and our particular moods). This one is great for when Kalikimaka rolls around each year. Show everyone how welcoming your welcome mat can be!

GET it at ETSY


Beach Christmas Sayings, Slogans & Quotes

Every holiday has its own set of quotes and sayings. So why would a Coastal Christmas be any different?

We've probably come across all of them in our time working on the Seashell Madness site. So we pulled together a list of what we would consider the Top 10... plus a few more.

Jingle Shells Ornament

You know exactly what you're getting into when you hear "Jingle Shells," don't you? Well you can jingle all the way to your beach Christmas tree with an ornament like this one.

GET it at ETSY

Seas and Greetings Mermaid Garden Sign

When you want to welcome your guests to your home during the holidays, who is a more welcoming greeter than a mermaid? I mean, if we're talking about holidays by the beach that is. So plant this flag in your garden so that everyone knows that you are celebrating sans snow.


Beach Christmas Presents

I hope that this guide has given you some good ideas for Christmas presents that you could give to the beach lover in your life, but just in case... here's a whole separate listing that we pulled together of great gifts that we just know would make any beach lover's Christmas merry and bright!

Mermaid Tail Crochet Blanket

Mermaid Tail Crochet Blanket

Mermaid Tail Crochet Blanket

This blanket can keep your beach lover comfy and cozy when the temperatures drop at the beach at night. And at the same time they can look like a mermaid! What could be better than that?


"Boop" Sharks in Love Pillowcase

Boop Sharks in Love Pillowcase

"Boop" Sharks in Love Pillowcase

Sharks in love. I can't think of anything sweeter than that. And sweet always makes for a good gift, now doesn't it?


Beach Christmas Guide 2022

Well there you have it: The 2022 version of the Seashell Madness Beach Christmas Guide. I hope that you've found one or two ideas to kindle your own Beach Christmas spirit. And if you like this page, feel free to share it on your Social. Thanks! And until next year: MERRY BEACH CHRISTMAS!

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Seashell Madness is a participant in the Etsy affiliate program and Amazon Associates. If you buy something via one of the links on this page, we may earn a small comission — at no cost to you or the artist. And if we do, thanks!